Got some pictures? Updates? Corrections?
[email protected]
1,900+ tourists coming to Kep every month want to get information on your business.
It’s time to update your business’s information on
for the 2025 / 2026 season
With over 100 local tourist businesses on the website,
Kep-Cambodia.com is the premier tourist information website.
The cost for this service, is as always, FREE.
The Kep Hotels page, has over 60 accommodations in Kep
Visitors to the website are looking for hotels and guesthouses to stay at, which beach, hillside or island they might like best, restaurants, what to do while in town, a town map, how to speak Khmer, (the How to Speak Khmer pages on the various websites) teach over 2,000 people a month), information on the island, and lots more.
The Kep Restaurants page has dozens of restaurants all around Kep
Hotels should list all amenities in the room, as well as the hotel. If you have a generator, Wi-Fi, pool, etc… you’ll want to list that as well.
You can find your page on the Hotel, Restaurant, or Activities pages on the website.
You can also find Kep on Youtube, the number 1 channel for Kep, Cambodia. (with 100,000 views),
You can now send in up to 25 pictures, a description in English and one other language (providing we can support it), and one video (must be a link to a YouTube video).
You’ll want at least a 300 word description of your business, to get the most visitors to your page from a (Google) search.
Please check all of your phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and prices, as some are out of date.
Also, if you want your website link or Facebook page on the Kep-Cambodia website, you must first have a link back to the Kep-Cambodia website.
Your link back to the Kep-Cambodia website can point right to your businesses page on the website.
We reserve the right to edit all descriptions and not use any information deemed inappropriate.
Please send all updates to
[email protected]